vrijdag 24 januari 2014

Shoplog (Primark and Claire's)

Heyyy, today I went shopping with two friends, to celebrate that our testweek was over. We went to Rotterdam, but we got lost because of all the different names of the metros. When we finally got there, we first went to the Primark. I bought a few things there:

A black bag, because I needed a new handbag. My old one has cuts in it, so I think this is a good replacement. 

I also bought this neon/dark pink crop top (I know it looks red here, but it is pink). It's a little too cold now to wear it in the Netherlands, but I think the lace sleeves are cute and I couldn't let it lay there...

The last thing I bought from the Primark was this denim skater skirt. I was looking for a black leather one for a few months now, but it was one sale for €3, so I had to buy it. 

We also went to a jewelry store called the Claire's. As you can see in almost every 'looks of the week' post, I don't wear a lot of jewelry (I almost never wear jewelry). Most things don't feel nice on my skin or they make a lot of noise. But in my previous shoplog I showed you the leopard printed bow headband. It looked nice and didn't irritate me, so I wanted to buy a few more in different colors. I bought two different types:

This pink bow headband (picture taken in the Claire's). It's made of a satin-like fabric and has a silver metal thing as the centre of the bow. The color I wear the most is probably pink, so I thought a pink headband would match good. 

I also bought a dark blue bow headband with a flower pattern. Dark blue combines well with almost everything I have, and it was on sale for €2 and it is cute and I needed it... (I sound like a shopping addict here, but I'm not.)

This was it for today. Tomorrow I'm going to the open house day of an art school, so maybe I'll post some pictures of my portfolio. 

I hope you like it :D

Bye xxx

maandag 13 januari 2014

Stopmotion and one year anniversary

Heyy, I've noticed I missed the one year anniversary of this blog. On January 8, it existed on year. I didn't do anything special, I wanted to, but I didn't had any time because of a school project. We had to make a stopmotion, and we decided to draw every picture. We've worked on it for 9 weeks and I'm very proud of the end result. We made a stopmotion on Miley Cyrus' song Wrecking Ball and I wanted to show it here. It is on my school youtube channel.

Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAcfqvuufU

I hope you like it and up to the next year :D

bye xxx

vrijdag 3 januari 2014

Shoplog (Primark and other shops)

Heyy, yesterday and today I went shopping (sort of). Yesterday I went to the movies with my best friend, but we had some time left before the movie, so we went to the Primark. I totally love the Primark! I didn't buy much though, because I didn't brought extra money with me, only the money for the movie and some extra. I bought a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. Here they are:

The first one is a grey striped t-shirt with a panda and says FREE HUGS, the second a sweatshirt with tiny pandas. I totally love and adore pandas, my sweet sixteen cake was a cake with 3 Tare Pandas stacked ontop of eachother. Officially they are pajamas, but I think you can also wear them as regular. The t-shirt maybe not to school, but on a free day or to dancing lessons... Today I wore the sweatshirt and it looked nice.

Today me, two friends and a mother went to a town on the other side of the county (Zwolle), because there was an old church with a bookshop in it (and we are obsessed with books). We went to a church for our Art/culture lessons, because we have to do 6 cultural activities, and we thought, why not combine that with shopping in a new town. In the bookshop I bought the book Divergent:

One of my friends had already read it and recommended it to me, and since the movie is coming in March, I want to read the book first (so I can fantasize about it).

We then saw the Claires (a jewelry shop), so we went there imediately. I didn't buy jewelry, but I did buy some hair accesories. A hairband with a bow, and a bow hairclip:

The hairband is black with a white bow with neon colored leopard print, the hairclip is a suede white bow with studds. As you can probably see in my 'look of the week/day' posts, I don't do much with my hair, but I want to change that. More acesories, braids, ponytails, ect.

The last thing I bought are to notebooks at the H&M:

At a portfolio consultation at an art academy, they gave me the advise to buy a notebook without lines, and draw, scribble, write and scetch every idea in that. The only thing about these notebooks is that the insides are colored. One has pink pages, the other purple.

This was my shoplog for 2 and 3 January. I hope you liked it :D

bye xxx

25 question TAG

Heyy, today I'm doing the 25 question TAG. I saw it somewhere on youtube a while ago and I decided to do it. Basically they are 25 random questions. I hope you like it :D

1. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have one dog and 4 cats :) (I'm not going to post pictures because I already did that once, in my '50 random facts about me' post I think)

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
My laptop (duh, I’m typing this), my beanie (which is next to me on the couch) and this thing you need in Mathematic to make perfect circles (I don’t know how it is called in English and neither does the Google translator)

This thing, if you know what it is in English, would you please tell me in the comments...

3. What's the weather like right now?
The weather at 12:11 PM on January 2 is cloudy, the temperature is around 7 degrees Celsius.

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
No I don’t drive, because I’m only 16. I’m also not planning on taking driving lessons next year, because I don’t need a car to go to places. To my school is 10 minutes cycling or 30 minutes walking (but I don’t walk to school), we have stores and snack bars close to home, and if I want shopping, I take the bus or my mother/father drives.

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
9:30 AM

6. When was the last time you showered?
Yesterday evening

7. What was the last movie you saw?

8. What does your last text message say?
My best friend sent me: “Should I order some tickets?” because we are going to the movie.

9. What's your ringtone?
I don’t know, I think it’s just some “ping” sound…

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes, multiple times. I’ve been to Spain (vacation when I was 6 or so), Indonesia (vacation when I was 10), Belgium (school camp 8th grade and vacation last summer), France (school camp 9th grade) and I’m going to Germany with 10th grade school camp.

11. Do you like sushi?
No, I don’t like sushi.

12. Where do you buy your groceries?
Well, since I’m 16 and live with my parents, I don’t buy groceries :)

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Yes, I take them every night actually. At night, I get all good/creative ideas while I have to sleep, so to help me I take medication, because otherwise I would be drawing every night until 3:00 AM

14. How many siblings do you have?
I have one sister, she is 14 (since December)

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I have a laptop, which is already 4 or 5 years old. It has a 15,4’’ wide display, so it’s pretty big, and it’s heavy, so I can’t take it to school.

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I will be turning 17 (my lucky number) :)

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Nope, I don’t wear contacts or glasses and I don’t need them.

18. Do you color your hair?
No. In second grade I had blond highlights (but that is a LONG time ago) and last year, I had pink dip dye for one day (I used dye that you can wash out because I didn’t know how it would look). But other than that, I’ve never colored my hear.

I don't know if you can see it, but I had pink dip dye here...

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Going to the movie with my best friend :)

20. When was the last time you cried?
December 18th, because I had a huge stress moment about my Christmas party dress and the preparations for the sleep over after party.

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
When I eat pizza, I make it myself. I put ketchup on it instead of tomato sauce and I also use minced meat with specific spices. I never order normal pizza or eat pizza in a restaurant, because I don’t like melted cheese.

22. Which do you prefer hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Hamburger, because I’m not a fan of cheese.

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Yes, at school :)
Our school is called ‘Wolfert Lyceum’, so we had a ‘Night of Wolfert’, which means you can spend the night at school playing games and dancing and having fun at night. I remember that we were playing brainteasers at 2:00 AM with our chemistry teacher. Playing brainteasers at 2:00 AM is really fun :D

24. What is your eye color?

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yes I can. I don’t drink Coke or Pepsi often (I prefer ‘Fanta’), but I can taste the difference.

This was it. I hope you liked it :D

bye xxx

woensdag 1 januari 2014


Heyy, it's 2014 :D

In this post I'm going to talk about my new year intentions, and a new thing for this blog.

My new year intentions are:
• Lose more weight
I think this is probably on every girls list. I'm already working on it, so I want to keep doing it in 2014.

• Keep high marks
This school year, my marks are very good, much better than the previous schoolyear. I'm doing the 10th grade again and on a lower "level" (in the Netherlands we have multiple levels in schools), but I want my grades to be as good as they were last half year.

• Keep in contact with my friends
I want to keep in contact with friends I don't see everyday. Last year I sometimes forgot that, but I don't want to loose them, so I have to make sure to keep in contact with them.

• Make better a planning for homework, social life and friends combined
In my planning, I sometimes forget to plan in nice things as hanging with friends. Or I make a planning for my blog, and I get stressed because I don't have time to post things. In 2014, I want to make better plannings.

• Be happier with myself
In 2014, I also want to be happier with myself. Last year, I got in a huge depression, and I want to prevent that this year.

Also, I'm planning on doing a Monthly question TAG every month, about the things I did, my favorite stuff, things I bought, ect. So I will begin today with the Monthly question TAG of December 2013:

1. Nicest thing that happened
One of my favorite things of this month was the Christmas party my school gave. It was so awesome!

Some photos of me and some friends at the party

2. Something you’re proud of
I got a 10 for mathematics. First it was a 9.7, but the teacher made a mistake, so it was a 10. I had promised that when I get a 10 for math, I would bring some treat, so I made cupcakes :)

The cupcakes I made for my class

The special Mathematics cupcake I made for my teacher :)

3. One crazy fact about you
I can spell the word ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia’ super fast.

4. Biggest obsession of the month
Catching Fire/Josh Hutcherson <3 (he doesn’t know it, but I’m gonna marry him)

5. Movies you saw
Catching Fire (I’ve already seen it 3 times) and Big Time Movie (it was on Christmas Eve, my sister and I were home alone and we don’t really like those Christmas movies and this was the only other thing that evening).

6. Books you read
Catching Fire… I know there isn’t much diversity in my answers this month, but in the beginning of January, I’m going to a books store with a friend whose obsessed with a lot of book series, so I’ll have read much more next month.

7. Drawings you made
I've already posted the drawings I made in another post, but since that post, I made another drawing.

This is Finnick from Catching Fire...

8. Favorite music
A lot of Rascal Flatts songs, but also the song ‘shattered’ by Trading Yesterday (non-MTT version). I found it in a Hunger Games fanvideo on youtube and since then, I’ve been sort of obsessed by it. It’s kind of very sad, but also perfect for a lot of things.

9. Played any games?
Yes, I’ve played Panem Run (temple run in Catching Fire version), Ruzzle (a game were you have to form words), and wedding dash (a game were you have to make sure the weddings are perfect, ect.)

10. Fashion you bought
I haven’t bought much clothing lately, but I have the blue dress I wore to the Christmas school party (and my sister’s birthday). I hope that I will have new clothes next month, because it is winter, but I don’t have much warm clothes. In the Netherlands, the winter sort of hasn’t started yet (normally in December it is freezing and snowing, now it’s usually above 5C and the sun is shining), but I think in January/February it will freeze and be cold and snow…

11. Other stuff you bought
Except for food, I haven’t bought anything last month. It’s not that I’m saving my money, it’s that I don’t really need anything right now.

12. Something new you learned
I learned that I can’t shrink shrinky dink charms without my mother’s help :)

I hope you liked it :D


bye xxx