zaterdag 16 februari 2013

(DIY) crack it up charms

hello, yesterday I pimped up some charms with nailpolish. I think it looks very cool on charms. First I'm going to show you some pictures of some charms, then a mini tutorial.

What you need:
- a charm
- a bright colored nailpolish
- crack nailpolish
- top coat polish (does not stand on the picture)

You polish the charm, let it dry (and polish some other charms ;p), put crack nailpolish on it, blow so that it will crack, let it dry, put top coat polish on it, let it dry for the last time, then you're ready!

This will be your result:

I also made this special charm, with half crack-effect, half cloud-effect:

I hope you like it, lots of fun!
bye xxx

hot pink bow

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