zaterdag 13 juli 2013

Movies TAG

heyy, since a few days, I'm totally addicted to TAGs. You find them anywhere on youtube, but also on blogs. I like to do them, and I found one online about movies. Since it was only about movies, and not TV shows/series, I made a second version with questions about TV shows/series, and then I also made a TAG about books, music and fashion. I don't know if they were already done, but I made this version. Today I'll only post the Movie TAG. I hope you like it

• Favorite movie all time
The Hunger Games, I’m seriously addicted to THG. I’m counting down to see Catching Fire.

• Favorite scene from that movie
The cave scene (Peeta and Katniss), the feast around the Cornucopia (with Clove and Katniss) and the interviews (Peeta). I totally LOVE the cave scene, it’s romantic, but in the book, it’s even more romantic. The feast scene I love, because I like Clove. She is a little devil. And Peeta’s interview was just so cute.

• Favorite actors
This probably isn’t a shock: Josh Hutcherson and Matthew Gray Gubler. Josh is a very good actor and he is only 20 years old. And he is so HOT <3. Matthew has been my favorite actor since I decided last summer break to watch all the 7 seasons (162 episodes) before season 8 started. I didn’t watched all of them, because I had to watch 6 episodes a day and my mom wouldn’t let me. Besides, I figured out I had seen a lot of them before. So in summer break, I had an overdose MGG and when season 8 began, my obsession hadn’t stopped. My obsession is a bit lower now, because there aren’t new episodes yet, but I am waiting for season 9. I was so happy to see that at the end of season 8, Spencer was still alive.

• Favorite actresses
I don’t have a favorite actress. Sorry.

• Most annoying actor
I also don’t have a most annoying actor. At least I can’t remember, but only because the last few movies I have watched, were with my favorite actors, or other actors I like.

• Most annoying actress
Kristen Steward. Do NOT hate me because of this. I just think that her face expressions are the same every time.

• Best director
I don’t know much directors, especially for movies, but Matthew Gray Gubler (one of my favorite actors) is also a director by the series Criminal Minds (which he plays Spencer Reid in). Normally I watch series with my parents and my sister on the couch when it is on TV, but the channel CM would be on, decided to broadcast the episode after three months. I am bad at waiting, so I downloaded it and watch it on an evening on my bed in a dark room. And it was the most scary episode from CM I have ever seen and he directed it. When they finally broadcasted it on TV, I still got the chills and had to look away at some parts. Crime series don’t scare me that much usual, but limbs were out of joint and it looked like it hurt and I just can’t look at that kind of clips.

• Favorite guilty pleasure movie
I don’t have one favorite guilty pleasure movie, and I don’t have watched some recently. But sometimes I like to watch Disney films. They are just so happy.

• Favorite tear breaker
I don’t have a tear breaker because I have never cried while watching a movie. I DO have cried during an episode from a series, but I’ll answer that in another tag (a TV show/series tag). I don’t know why I don’t cry with movies, because usually I am emotional. I don’t watch a lot of sad movies.

• Character from a movie that scared you the most
I don’t have a character that scared me, because there aren’t much movies don’t scare me. The ones that scare me, don’t particularly have a character which scares me, but most of the time it is the story line that scares me.

• Movie you love everyone hates
Detention. It a teenage movie, starring Josh Hutcherson, so that is how I knew about it, but I loved the rest of the movie too. But critics on internet speak very bad about it. It was a little bit of a confusing story, and some things went very fast, it had clichés, but it was funny. I loved watching it and soon I will watch it again. Maybe I will understand it better after watching it a second time, because the first time, I didn’t understand some things.

• Movie you hate everyone loves
It’s not that I hate them, but I have never seen them and what I heard about it, isn’t really my thing. I’m talking about Harry Potter. All of my friends have seen it and I don’t, so when they talk about it, I can’t follow them. When they try to explain it, it doesn’t sound very interesting to me. So I don’t think I will watch them.

• Favorite movie duo
Peeta and Katniss (Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence). I love the chemistry between them on the screen. They are just perfect. (sorry that many of my answers go back to THG)

• Favorite animated movie
I think Madagascar, Ice Age or the Smurfs. I have seen the Smurfs in 3D in the theaters and I recently watched it when it was on TV, and I still like it. I also like the three Madagascar movies and Ice Age, although I like Ice Age less than Madagascar.

• Actor/actress crush
Josh Hutcherson (I’m so predictable)

• Favorite movie villain
Sorry, again a Hunger Games answer. I don’t know if they are called villains, but I like Cato and Clove (the tributes from district 2). They are evil and try to kill everyone, but that’s part of the story. But I like how Clove is a little devil and Cato is HOT.

• What movie surprised you the most
It’s a Dutch movie, it’s called ‘Daglicht’ which means daylight. The story is very interesting, it’s about a woman, who has a son. They think he has autism. The woman finds out that she has a brother, and that he is in a TBS-clinic. He is suspected to have killed a woman and a baby, although the baby is never found. He has autism. The woman thinks he didn’t do it and tries to prove the others wrong. It’s a very touching story, also because I have autism myself. I recognized quite a few things that they (the brother and the son) did.

• If you could only keep one movie, what would it be
The Hunger Games, I’m addicted. That’s all I say.

• Movie recommendation
If you live in the Netherlands, Daglicht. It’s a really good movie. It’s not a comedy, or romantic, but it’s a combination between drama and a little action. If you want an English spoken comedy, try ‘Vampires suck’. It’s a parody on twilight and it’s really funny. My friend and I laughed so hard. If you like action, try ‘the darkest hour’. I watched it at school at the last day, and it was such a cool movie.

• If you could go back in time and marry an actor/actress from back then (now old), who would it be
I don’t know, because I don’t have a favorite actor which is old now. Matthew Gray Gubler is 33 (I’m 16, so he is older), but I don’t know how he was when he was 16/17, because I don’t know much about his childhood.

• One remake you wish had never been made
I don’t think I have seen a remake of something, so I can’t answer this.

• About to die, you can only watch one movie, which would it be
It would be Catching Fire, because I have not seen it. Because when I die than, I have at least seen the movie I have been waiting for so long.

• Favorite movie genre
Action, comedy, romantic (I like a lot of genres)

• Favorite movie from that genre
Action: THG, the darkest hour
Comedy: vampires suck, detention
Romantic: I don’t have a favorite romantic movie, I just love romance.

• What’s the first movie you remember watching in theaters
It was The Tigger Movie. In the Netherlands it is called Tijgertje de film. I was three or four years old and went with my mother, a friend, and her mother (which is a friend of my mother). I don’t know what I thought of it, but we have a picture with me and that friend in front of the movie poster.

I hope you liked it. If you decide to do this tag too, comment the link to your post or video so I can see what others think.

bye xxx