dinsdag 30 juli 2013

holiday planning: how to tuesday 2

heyy, today is how to Tuesday, so I'm going to teach you something. This time, it's not something you can make, but it is fashionrelated. Some girls have trouble to define their style. And if you don't know what style you have, it can be hard you choose outfits. So today I'm going to teach you how to find your style in 5 steps with a lot of pictures :)

1. Find inspiration
2. Keep a style diary
3. Don’t put yourself in a box
4. Ask yourself questions
5. Stop criticizing yourself

1. Find inspiration
Inspiration is everywhere. On the streets, in magazines, online. Try to find your source of inspiration: a celebrity who always looks good. Your best friend, who looks like she shops everyday, but actually just knows how to combine clothes. The girl you saw at the train station. Everybody could be your source of inspiration. But… use it as a source, don’t copy it. Otherwise it isn’t your style, but hers.

(last year, I used to find inspiration for drawing fashion in japanese girls)

2. Keep a style diary
Take a picture of your outfit everyday. Put it in a folder on your computer or make a real photo book. At the end of the week, you decide which outfits you like and you put them in a different folder. After two or three months, you open the folder which the outfits you like. Those outfits probably describe your style. Also, you get to see how your style grows and develops. After a year, you probably see difference between the first and last picture.

3. Don’t put yourself in a box
Online you can find over a thousand of style quizzes, but they put you in a box. They only have simple answers like: romantic, relaxed, nerdy, gothic, classy, trendy…
But a style is a combination of things. Style depends on your mood, the weather and what your plans are for the day.
Example: it is winter, I have to go to school and I am tired. My style will be relaxed, romantic and simple.
But if only one thing changes, a whole other style can come out.
Example: it is winter, I have to go to school and I am happy. Now my style will be romantic, nerdy, and trendy.
Example: summer, no plans, lazy. My style will be trendy, relaxed and simple.
So, try to find the key words (more than two) to describe your looks.
different styles (all from this year):

4. Ask yourself questions
If you dress yourself, stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself. Is this you? Or do you see someone else in the mirror? Some outfits look really cool, they fit your body, but not your personality/style. So ask yourself if it reflects you. If it doesn’t, try to change it so it will. It is important to dress like yourself.

This outfit fits me, but is too simple for my personality.

This outfit fits my personality, but it doesn't really fit me. (P.S. the tips of my hair are pink)

This outfit fits me and my personality.

5. Stop criticizing yourself
This is probably the hardest one. A lot of girls/woman criticize their self. They aren’t happy with their body, or some parts of it. I also criticize myself, so it’s kind of weird to tell you to stop while I still do it myself. I’m trying to stop, but it lessens with small steps. Don’t be hard on yourself, because you’re perfect the way you are. If you disagree, try to change that.

I hope this was useful.

bye xxx