woensdag 1 januari 2014


Heyy, it's 2014 :D

In this post I'm going to talk about my new year intentions, and a new thing for this blog.

My new year intentions are:
• Lose more weight
I think this is probably on every girls list. I'm already working on it, so I want to keep doing it in 2014.

• Keep high marks
This school year, my marks are very good, much better than the previous schoolyear. I'm doing the 10th grade again and on a lower "level" (in the Netherlands we have multiple levels in schools), but I want my grades to be as good as they were last half year.

• Keep in contact with my friends
I want to keep in contact with friends I don't see everyday. Last year I sometimes forgot that, but I don't want to loose them, so I have to make sure to keep in contact with them.

• Make better a planning for homework, social life and friends combined
In my planning, I sometimes forget to plan in nice things as hanging with friends. Or I make a planning for my blog, and I get stressed because I don't have time to post things. In 2014, I want to make better plannings.

• Be happier with myself
In 2014, I also want to be happier with myself. Last year, I got in a huge depression, and I want to prevent that this year.

Also, I'm planning on doing a Monthly question TAG every month, about the things I did, my favorite stuff, things I bought, ect. So I will begin today with the Monthly question TAG of December 2013:

1. Nicest thing that happened
One of my favorite things of this month was the Christmas party my school gave. It was so awesome!

Some photos of me and some friends at the party

2. Something you’re proud of
I got a 10 for mathematics. First it was a 9.7, but the teacher made a mistake, so it was a 10. I had promised that when I get a 10 for math, I would bring some treat, so I made cupcakes :)

The cupcakes I made for my class

The special Mathematics cupcake I made for my teacher :)

3. One crazy fact about you
I can spell the word ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia’ super fast.

4. Biggest obsession of the month
Catching Fire/Josh Hutcherson <3 (he doesn’t know it, but I’m gonna marry him)

5. Movies you saw
Catching Fire (I’ve already seen it 3 times) and Big Time Movie (it was on Christmas Eve, my sister and I were home alone and we don’t really like those Christmas movies and this was the only other thing that evening).

6. Books you read
Catching Fire… I know there isn’t much diversity in my answers this month, but in the beginning of January, I’m going to a books store with a friend whose obsessed with a lot of book series, so I’ll have read much more next month.

7. Drawings you made
I've already posted the drawings I made in another post, but since that post, I made another drawing.

This is Finnick from Catching Fire...

8. Favorite music
A lot of Rascal Flatts songs, but also the song ‘shattered’ by Trading Yesterday (non-MTT version). I found it in a Hunger Games fanvideo on youtube and since then, I’ve been sort of obsessed by it. It’s kind of very sad, but also perfect for a lot of things.

9. Played any games?
Yes, I’ve played Panem Run (temple run in Catching Fire version), Ruzzle (a game were you have to form words), and wedding dash (a game were you have to make sure the weddings are perfect, ect.)

10. Fashion you bought
I haven’t bought much clothing lately, but I have the blue dress I wore to the Christmas school party (and my sister’s birthday). I hope that I will have new clothes next month, because it is winter, but I don’t have much warm clothes. In the Netherlands, the winter sort of hasn’t started yet (normally in December it is freezing and snowing, now it’s usually above 5C and the sun is shining), but I think in January/February it will freeze and be cold and snow…

11. Other stuff you bought
Except for food, I haven’t bought anything last month. It’s not that I’m saving my money, it’s that I don’t really need anything right now.

12. Something new you learned
I learned that I can’t shrink shrinky dink charms without my mother’s help :)

I hope you liked it :D


bye xxx

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