donderdag 7 augustus 2014

Monthly questions of July (until August 3)

Heyy, I got back from vacation Monday and immediately started this. I included the first 3 days of August, because I got back from vacation on the 4th, so it would be easier. Here it is:

1. Nicest thing that happened
Summer vacation! We went to somewhere in Belgium, and my best friend stayed a couple of days. My sister’s best friend came for the full two weeks, and after my best friend left, I became friends with her too, so I wasn’t alone. We had so much fun, especially at night before sleeping. There were not much people from my age there, so I only made two vacation friends, but they were really nice and fun.
Here some photo's:

A selfie of me, my sister's best friend, my best friend and my sister (from left to right) playing midget golf.

Owls who were at the market.

Bored, so making selfies while laying in bed. 

2. Something you’re proud of
Losing weight two months in a row. Right now I weight the lightest I’ve ever been in I think two years. This year is also the first vacation that I haven’t been ashamed to walk in my bikini. Normally I would rather keep on my shirt and shorts, but this year when we entered the sand (since it’s not really a beach with a sea, but sand and a sweet-water lake), I immediately pulled them off and run into the water. One of my vacation friends was a boy, and even when laying next to him, I wasn’t ashamed of my body.

Mirror selfie

3. One crazy fact about you
I can sing freaking high. One time on vacation we were bored, so my sister’s friend played the frozen soundtrack. Lots of people can’t reach the pitch in ‘let it go’, but I easily sang higher. Then that night we listened night core (really high pitched and sped up songs), and I sang as high as the sped up versions, so basically I sing higher than the chipmunks.

4. Biggest obsession of the month
Still EXO. My best friend and I wanted to watch showtime (EXO’s variety show) at nights, which are 12 episodes of 50 minutes. We managed to watch all 12 in 3 nights, which we did not think was possible. I also started writing exo short romantic fanfics, which are 12 per time (because they are with 12 members). I’ve finished one series, but already have the concepts for the next two.

5. Movies you saw
I saw ‘the fault in our stars’ in the movie theatre on July 11th. I went with three friends, and we all cried I think (one friend had to leave early, so I don’t know about her). I started crying somewhere in the beginning, but not because of the movie. I had hurt my muscle in my leg while running to the movie theatre because we were late. None of my friends had a painkiller and neither did I, and it really hurt. Funny parts during the movie made it bearable, but then there was a quiet scene and the pain was just too much, so I started crying and everyone was like: “Are you okay?” because the movie wasn’t sad at that point. I couldn’t walk normally with it for a couple of days, but luckily it’s normal now.

On vacation I watched something almost every night. The first three nights I watched EXO’s showtime episodes, after that I (re)watched ‘the hunger games’, ‘catching fire’, ‘detention’, ‘frozen’ (in speed up, because I thought that would be funny), an episode of ‘criminal minds’, and episode of ‘bedlam’ (a British horror series), ‘vampire academy’, ‘the mortal instruments’ and ‘the grudge’.

6. Books you read
I ordered new books, which I will all mention at question 11. One of the books was ‘four – the collection’, which is the fourth book in the divergent series. I got it on a Wednesday and finished it the same day in a couple hours. After that I wasn’t allowed to read until I was on vacation, because otherwise I wouldn’t have books left for vacation. When we arrived, I continued and finished my Criminal Minds book. I also started and finished ‘the Maze Runner’. I already am IN LOVE with the maze runner series, it is so awesome. I can’t wait to finish the rest of the series and for the first movie.

The 12 books I packed for vacation, only read 2 of them because I did other things too.

7. Drawings you made
I didn’t draw much this month, although I really wanted too. My right pinky finger is sort of injured and drawing hurts too much most of the time. I got sort of angry about it, because I finally have time to draw, and now I can’t because I’m injured. I made a few drawings at school on the debate preparation day, because my team was stuck and couldn’t continue. Then on vacation I drew some things with eyeliner. A few days later I wanted to make a pattern for plushies I wanted to make when I get home. The first one was too skinny for a plush doll, so I drew on it. It turned out kind of weird. I also did the ‘1 minute drawing challenge’ with my sister’s friend. And lastly I drew Luhan from exo doing a wink. I’ll be doing the other 11 later hopefully, if my hand allows me to.

Drawings I made at debate preparation day.

Chibi Luhan and Chanyeol from EXO, drawn with eyeliner on vacation. 

The plushie pattern I drew on. 

Winking Luhan (here not fully finished yet).

8. Favorite music
It’s still EXO and the rock music. We went on vacation in the car, and the car ride would take two/three hours, so I made a playlist. It existed of EXO, some other k-pop songs which I listened two years ago, Paramore, Evanescence, The Fray, The Pitch Perfect soundtrack, Rascal Flatts, 5 Seconds Of Summer, and then some “normal” pop music like you would hear on the radio.

9. Did anything new
This vacation is one of the first times I went swimming in a lake where could be fish in. The water was very clear and we didn’t see anything, but there is a chance they were there and I’m scared to swim with fish. I don’t know why, I just am. Normally I wouldn’t go into it, or I would only go till my knees, but this time I swum very far.

10. Fashion you bought
Before vacation I bought a white t-shirt with cute print, and two grey sweaters. I thought they might come in handy in the mornings, since they could be very cold. My mom also ordered another white t-shirt with print for me. On vacation I bought two caps, one denim with a lot of strass stones, and one dark blue one (on the boys’ department, but who cares).

One of the grey sweaters (it looks like I have a new haircut here, but basically it's the other half on my hair weirly placed by the hoodie)

My strass stoned cap

11. Other stuff you bought
Books! I ordered €50 worth of books before vacation. I bought ‘Four – the collection’ by Veronica Roth, ‘The Maze Runner’, ‘The Scorch Trial’ and ‘The Death Cure’ by James Dashner (still have to buy ‘the kill order’, but the three of them together were almost cheaper than buying only the first one) and ‘Looking for Alaska’ and ‘Paper Towns’ by John Green. On vacation I also bought 12 packs of chewing gum that looks like cigarettes, so my friends and I can do like Augustus Waters…

The packs of gum

Selfie with chewing gum cigarette

12. Something new you learned
When you go on vacation to a place where you won’t have Internet, and then you go to a market or MacDonald’s where they do have free Wi-Fi, you’ll be there for a long time. A VERY LONG TIME. The first three days of vacation I used the 3G of my iPhone, until I learned that it will cost A LOT. Then we went to a market on Sunday where they had free Wi-Fi, but the connection was bad when we sat together, so I decided to walk around while on my phone. I have walked for 45 minutes while being on instagram to catch up with my fandoms. Wednesday we went to the MacDonald’s, and I decided to bring my laptop to download movies. We sat there for 3 hours, waiting for the movies to load, while doing other stuff on internet.

I hope you liked it :D

bye xxx

zondag 20 juli 2014


Heyy, I just wanted to say that I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks tomorrow, so I probably won't post anything here, since I'm 99% sure we won't have wifi... If we somehow manage to have wifi, I will post like vacation updates, maybe shopping things, some drawings I made... I'm also planning to make a few DIY's for when I get back. Just wanted to let you know.

bye xxx

donderdag 10 juli 2014

monthly questions of June

Heyy everyone, today I'm posting the monthly questions of June. For the summervacation I'm going to do a weekly thing, because these monthly questions are all I post lately... Anyway I hope you like it :D

1. Nicest thing that happened
I don’t know. I think getting a 10,6 for my chemistry test (see next question), because besides the final test week and joining a new fandom, not much has happened in June.

2. Something you’re proud of
Getting a 10 for my chemistry test in the final testweek (it was actually a 10,6 because of the bonus question, but our grading system goes till 10). My final grade for chemistry is now a 9,6, which is a 10 on my grade list :) I was so happy!!! I felt like Spencer Reid (since he studied chemistry) and now I’m helping others who are going to take the test again.

3. One crazy fact about you
I’m a proud nerd :) I love chemistry and mathematics (most of the time), when it is not for school, I love to study and remember things. Like in 9th grade I started learning Japanese (but didn’t continue) and now I’m trying to learn Korean (which is easier than Japanese). I get called Encyclopedia and Erudite smarty-pants by friends, and once a teacher called me nerd (but as compliment).

4. Biggest obsession of the month
K-pop band EXO. Two years ago I used to listen a lot to k-pop (Big Bang, 2NE1, Infinite, Jay Park…). My sister hated it back then. Now she suddenly listens to EXO, so I joined her and now I’m an Exotic :) My biases are Lu Han, Baekhyun, Chen and Tao :3 and the rest is my secret bias ;)

5. Movies you saw
I didn’t watch any movies this month, but I did watch a few EXO showtime episodes in my spare time. But The Fault In Our Stars comes out next month so I will see that next month (at least once). HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE THAT???

6. Books you read
I started in the first criminal minds book, but so far I’ve only read one chapter. But luckily I have more time after the test week to read, because my reading list is getting longer and longer. The first few things on the list are: The Mortal Instruments series, The Maze Runner series, the other John Green books and If I stay.

7. Drawings you made
After my testweek I made a lot of drawings. I also started a drawing account on instagram, so follow me @erudite_drawings

Eyeliner drawings:

Other drawings:

An eye

My father and I

Deeks and Kensi kissing in NCIS LA

Baekhyun from EXO

Works in progress:
Kensi from NCIS LA

Matthew Gray Gubler

8. Favorite music
EXO. I’m really obsessed with them :D

9. Did anything new
It’s not really much, but I started using a new drawing technique/method. Normally I would print the image on paper so I would have it next to me, but now I’m using images on my phone, which is kind of harder (for me), because it is a smaller screen and I can’t hold it next to me because my phone is thicker than paper, so it will irritate my arm. But I think it is better for our finances and the environment, because I’ve printed over 100 images (so lots of ink) and it costs a lot of paper.

10. Fashion you bought
Nope, but I need to go shopping soon for summer stuff, so hopefully I will have new clothes next month.

11. Other stuff you bought
Damn it, I really need to go shopping…

12. Something new you learned
I’m a freaking emotional wrack… I already knew that I cried easily, but normally not much at movies/music and stuff… but my sister showed me a performance of Baekhyun and Chen (EXO) and they sang a sad song and that was probably the first time I cried on a song. Now everytime I hear ‘Miracles in December’ or ‘Baby, don’t cry’ I start crying…

Hope you liked it :D
bye xxx

donderdag 12 juni 2014

Monthly questions: May

I'm so sorry for not posting for so long, and I know I say this everytime, but it is because of school. My last testweek started on June 10th, but the stress started 3 weeks before... Luckily I have a lot of free time after that to draw, read, shop and write and more, so I hope I will be able to post more things then. Here are the monthly questions of May, sorry they are this late.

1. Nicest things that happened
The vacation, my English debate of May 23, watching a horror movie with friends and my belated birthday party. The vacation was so nice, I barely made any homework (while I’m the kind of person who makes homework on Christmas day at family because I have little time). It felt so good to do just nothing special. And the English debate is probably the funniest thing that had happened at school in a long time. We had to lead the debates and give the groups the statements. Mine was last, and the statement was: “The differences between the social image of men and women should stay this way”. It was very hard for the groups to make arguments for this, so the arguments were full of bullsh*t, but really funny. One guy said: “If a guy wants to wear yoga pants and make-up he can’t because he will be discriminated.” And then this girl responded with: “If a guy wants to wear yoga pants and make-up he should go to a hospital and chop off his ****”. (and this was a debate in class for grades). On May 24 I watched a horror movie with my best friend and another friend. It was my first horror movie. My friends were really scared, but I wasn’t, so I was horror movie commentator that evening. The boy and I also tried to scare my best friend afterwards, which was really funny. On May 29 was my belated birthday. The night before this we had barely slept, because we had a sleepover, but is was really nice. The gift I liked the most was a notebook, because on the first pages each of my friends wrote something really nice and cute, like they were happy to be my friends. This really felt good, because my “friends” from last school year left me.

My friends having fun in front of the movie screen

The notebook

2. Something you’re proud of
At 10 may I got 200 followers on my fan account on twitter in 24 days. I started it on my birthday (April 17) and I’m really proud that I got this in less than a month. I tweet a lot about The Hunger Games, Divergent, Criminal Minds, other crime series, The Fault In Our Stars and other things, so if you like these things please follow me @Erudite_Minds (I follow back fan account with the same main fandoms as me)

Okay so I now already have more than 300, but please follow me

3. One crazy fact about you
I have a lot in common with Criminal Minds character Spencer Reid. We are both smart (I’m not as smart as he is, but who is (except for Sheldon Cooper from TBBT who has the same IQ as Spencer)), we both love to read, speak in a super fast tempo, have our own logic, fail at sports (the FBI had to make an exception to allow him into the field, I have exceptions in my gym classes), he has studied Chemistry while I’m planning to (probably, but I’m not fully sure), we are more comfortable talking science than small talk, we see/smell/hear things quicker than others,… there is a whole list. This is probably why I love the character so much, because I recognize myself in him.

Some people feel scared by my knowledge too (like my own parents)

4. Biggest obsession of the month
Criminal Minds. This month was the two parted season finale. For the first episode was said: two agents will fall down and there was a promo where I saw my favorite (Spencer Reid) being shot. For the second one was known that one team member’s live is in danger, Garcia has to shoot someone in order to protect a fellow agent and one profiler will say goodbye forever. I spend one week making speculations about who was going to leave, and I was hoping for a specific person (no spoilers: not because I hated that person, but because I love the rest way more,) but the way that person left was heartbreaking and I was like: “Come back!” :( But my fav survived <3

One of the first scenes from part 1

5. Movies you saw
I saw Divergent (again in the theaters) with the same people as the first time at May 1st. And on May 5th I saw the Other Woman, which was a really funny movie.

6. Books you read
The Fault In Our Stars (again, but now for school). That’s the only book I read :(

7. Drawings you made
I drew Johanna Mason, and some chibi things in notebooks. I also started on a Criminal Minds selfie, but it isn’t nearly finished.

Johanna Mason


Work In Progress drawing of a Criminal Minds cast selfie

8. Favorite music
Still the rock music. At school in a homework hour with my chemistry teacher, he started to play his music (which is also rock music) and I liked it, so he suggested a few bands. I haven’t had time to listen to them yet, but when I do, I will tell.

9. Played any games?
Nope, no games this month. I don’t play a lot of games, so I’m going to replace this with another question for the next months.

10. Fashion you bought
No, not really, so I’m going to show some outfits I wore last month.
Outfit to Divergent

Grandpa's bday

Just a nice outfit

11. Other stuff you bought
Nothing, … so I’m going to place some random (okay not random, but fandom related) pictures that are on my phone ;P

12. Something new you learned
Don’t always judge a person on how they act, because sometimes there is a good reason why they act that way. A friend of me always acts really though and like she doesn’t care, but a few days ago on that sleepover she showed us a whole new side of her, and now I understand why she does the things she does.

This was is for now

I hope you liked it
Bye xxx

woensdag 7 mei 2014

Monthly Questions: April

Heyy, today a new monthly questions. I've been a bit upset/depressed today, and I will probably tell in the next monthly questions (but I hope it won't happen). Here it is:

1. Nicest thing that happened
I think it is either my friend’s birthday party, my own birthday or the vacation, which just started. My friend celebrated her b-day on April 12th and it was such a fun party. The cycling trip to the location should take 10-15 minutes, but it took us more than an our because we got lost and it was a lot of fun. The 17th was my own birthday, but I didn’t celebrate it much. It was more for family, so it was less fun than with friends (because with my friends I can do stuff). And vacation is also super nice. After the stress from the testweek I really need some rest and time to draw and be creative and do nothing in particular.

2. Something you’re proud of
The fact that I’m less stressed in new/unexpected situations. With my friend’s b-day, normally I would have panicked because we were lost, but now we just laughed at how stupid we were… which is positive, because it means it is getting better with me.

3. One crazy fact about you
I can easily be obsessed with something… When I see something I can become COMPLETELY obsessed with it in a few seconds, which isn’t the best thing in the world when you have school and when you have enough obsessions (according to my parents).

4. Biggest obsession of the month
DIVERGENT!!! I saw the movie (see next question) and it was AWESOME! Both my friends are now too completely obsessed and we talk about divergent all the time <3 We stand in the middle of the hallway at school yelling: “FOUR!!!” “THEO!!!”

5. Movies you saw
DIVERGENT!!! I saw it on April 5th with two friends and it was THE MOST AMAZING movie I had ever seen. IT WAS PERFECT! Totally obsessed now. I already read the book and in my opinion it stayed with the book very well.

6. Books you read
I finally managed to continue and finish Allegiant and it was the most devastating book I have ever read (more devastating than tfios). I was seriously crying and then my mom entered the room and I had to read one more page to finish it and she wouldn’t let me :(
I also finished the CSI book I started reading in February because I finally had time to do. It was a nice book.

7. Drawings you made
I drew a scene of Josh Hutcherson and Shanley Caswell in the movie Detention. I started it end January and now just got the time to finish it. But now it is vacation so I finally get to draw more, yeey! I also made some drawings in notebooks at school because I was bored and then for art I turned fashion pictures into comic styled things, which is sort of drawing. And a long time ago I drew a tattoo design for a friend of my mom and this vacation she finally turned it into a real tattoo. 
Detention drawing

Three of the cartoon things I made

My tattoo drawing

The actual tattoo

8. Favorite music
Since the end of this month I’ve been fan of the band 5 Seconds Of Summer. Two of my friends are super fans and now they made me fan too, so one day I searched a lot of their songs on youtube and now I have downloaded 35 in total (not obsessed or something…)

9. Played any games?
I played a game called 2048 on my iPhone. It is very fun and very addicting…

10. Fashion you bought
On the last day of April, I went shopping and I bought some stuff at the Primark and the Sting.
A purple zebra shirt from Primark

Black-and-white blouse from Primark

'Talk nerdy to me!' Spongebob top from Primark

Neon pink Primark sneakers

American heart top from the Sting

Black/white striped shorts from the Sting

11. Other stuff you bought
Well I also didn’t buy much, but for my birthday I got a Four/Tobias Eaton poster from my sister. And I bought a nee phone case and bow hairband at Primark. 

I don't have a picture of the poster but it has this image. 

Owl phone case from Primark

Bow hairband from Primark

12. Something new you learned
You have to take care of yourself before you can help others. In school I tend to help others before I do my own homework, which causes problems and stress for me because in the end I’m running behind and I have to stress and then I feel down and then I can’t help others anymore…

I hope you liked it :D

bye xxx