vrijdag 27 december 2013

Firsts TAG

Heyy, I have another TAG for you. It is called the ´firsts´ TAG, it´s about the first time you did a certain thing, like having a pet... I hope you like it :)

1. First word
I don’t know, probably ‘mama’ or ‘papa’.

2. First best friend
My first best friend is the daughter of a friend of my mother. Since birth, we were put together. We went to school together from first till sixth grade. We went to different Middle schools. We aren’t best friend anymore, and we don’t see each other very often.

3. First pet
When I was born, my parents already had pets. We had a dog, ‘Luke’ and two cats, ‘Tim’ and ‘Jim’. My parents had to bring the dog away, because he bit me when I was one year old. The cats both died when I was twelve. My first pet was a hamster, ‘piepie’.

4. First fear
This is a really stupid fear. My grandparents had itchy fabric carpeting. I could already walk, but when I got there, I crawled on my knees and elbows. I don’t know if it was a fear or not, but I know I didn’t like how it felt. And I think soon after that came a phobia of spiders, which I still have.

5. First mentor
I got my first mentor in seventh grade. She was the art & design teacher. I think I was one of the few people who liked her, but I think it has something to do with the fact I like art and I didn’t cause any trouble, so I had nothing to be afraid of. My grades were very good, I didn’t get bullied and I was nice to the other students and teachers. All the mentors I’ve had, were female. I like that, because I think the female mentors at my school are more serious, so if you have a problem, they will help you.

6. First message you got today
My first message is an email from my spencer reid youtube account. Someone posted an reaction on my channel, that she likes my Spencer/JJ videos.

7. First car
I’m 16, so I don’t have a car yet. But I have some ideas of how my first car should look like. I want a big car, because my parents have one and I am used to it. I also want it to be neon pink, like super bright, but I think (and hope) I will change my mind when it comes to the point of buying one.

(Like this, but more neon)

8. First phone
It was a pink Samsung lady phone. I got it when my mother got a new phone, because it used to be hers. I got it in 6th grade to the beginning of the 8th grade. Then I got another phone my mother had used. The phone I own now is the first that wasn’t used by my parents. I have a Samsung galaxy ace now, but soon I get my father’s iPhone 4.

9. First date
I don’t know if I ever have been on a “real” date. I’ve had a boyfriend for 2 years and 11 months, but that was from October 2006 to September 2009. I was 9 years old when he became my boyfriend, so it wasn’t very serious. So I guess I have never been on a date…

10. First boyfriend
My first boyfriend was a boy from my class. He is the boyfriend I mentioned in the previous question. My best friend and I were sitting on the swings at the playground and she asked me which boys from our class I liked. I mentioned his name and that’s when we saw him across the street. My best friend asked him if he liked me and he said yes. That night, I wrote him a letter and asked if he wanted to be my boyfriend (I was 9). After school, we met at the toilets (romantic ;p) and it turned out he had wrote a letter for me too. We exchanged letters and then he was my boyfriend. But I think he was more a male best friend for me than a boyfriend. We went to the same Middle school, but we were in different classes. He broke up at 7th grade school camp with half of the 7th graders around.

11. First love
My first “real” love (since my first boyfriend was more like a best friend) was a boy from 7th grade. We were sort of best friends. I almost always fall in love with my male best friends.

12. First youtube video
On my first youtube channel, it was a mash-up that 9 people have seen… On my Spencer Reid channel, it was a Spencer Reid fanvideo on the song starships. I posted it 13 months ago. The first video on my Fashionistar channel is the mash-up E.T.’s DNA a few month ago.

13. First person you subscribed to
I think it was Troye Sivan or COCO Chanou. Troye Sivan is a male youtuber with funny videos, COCO Chanou is a girl who post DIY videos, fashion videos, and kawaii stuff.

14. First big spending
I have never had a big spending. It’s not that I spend my money the minute I get it. I save it, but I don’t know for what. I guess for when I need something.

15. First job
I also have never had a job. I get €5 every week from my parents. In the holiday, I did my best friend’s paper round for two week, so I got money for that. I sell jewelry, and sometimes drawings.

16. First time out of the country
I don’t know my exact age, but I was very young when we went to Spain for the first time. My grandmother used to live there, so we went on vacation to it every summer. When she moved to Indonesia, we went on vacation to Indonesia. Now she lives in the Netherlands, so we stay here.

I hope you like it :D

bye xxx

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