zaterdag 5 april 2014

My testweek in snapchats

Heyy, so I just had my testweek and I thought it would be nice to make something for this blog during that week. So I made a snapchat of my outfit every day and sometimes another picture to show how my testweek went. Here it is:

This was my outfit on the first day. Just something comfy. 

The first test was biology. It was about DNA and evolution and my grade was a 8,8 (but my teacher made a mistake while marking the tests, so it will be a little higher).

Tuesday. Again something comfy. 

Mathematics was about *things that I can't translate to English because they are already hard enough to say in Dutch*. Luckily I know how to do those things, because my grade was a 9,6. 

Here I didn't care for comfy anymore, so I just wore a shirt with a blazer. 

With English tests, I'm always done too early, so before the test, I ask some paper to draw. The test went fine btw. I got a 8,5.

Studying chemistry for the next day. It was about ions, salts and concentrations (I don't know if these are correctly in English, because they are literally translated from Dutch). 

The day of my chemistry test. It went really well, I got a 9,5.

I was getting sick and I had to study for economics... :(

I did make the test, although I was sick, and I got a 8,9.

And then it was weekend. I only had to learn for three tests, and they were to easiest: a Dutch reading test, physics, sociology and an English watch and listen test. 

In the weekend, it was getting pretty warm. 

Even warmer. 

I forgot to make a picture of my outfit Monday, but Tuesday I was free (because I didn't follow the subjects of those tests). For the Dutch test we still have no grade, but for physics I got a 9,3.

Last day!!! For sociology we still have to get our grades, but for the English watch and listening test I got a 8,6.

This was my testweek in snapchats. 

I hope you liked it :D
Bye xxx

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