vrijdag 28 maart 2014

My schoolcamp review/vlog

Heyy, sorry I haven't posted a lot lately, but I had schoolcamp and testweek. I wanted to post this earlier, but I simply didn't have the time to do so. But here it is, and my testweek is almost over, and I want to do all creative things after that.

With school camp we went to Berlin for four days, and we stayed in a Youth Hostel somewhere close to the city. This is what we did per day:

Day 1 (March 10):


First was the bus trip. We had to be at school at 9:00 AM and (after a few stops) got to the youth hostel at 7:00 PM. In the bus we played Mario Card on our Nintendo’s, did pictochat, listened to music, and watched a movie (I don’t know which one and I also don’t know what it was about, because I didn’t really followed it).

When we got there we had dinner and then spare time to spend in your room, which means party and fun with everyone. I slept in a 6 person room with 4 persons, so first we dumped our stuff in our room and decided who took which bed. Then we went to other rooms to chill.

First picture in Berlin:

My friends and roommates:

I had to draw something in the guestbook...:

Then one of my roommates decided to wear her onesie (a soft warm full body suit/pajama):

This was my part of the room. We were there for like 15 minutes and it was already a mess:

Day 2 (March 11):

My outfit

After breakfast we did some sort of city trip. In groups (I was with my roommates) we had to walk through Berlin. But we didn’t have to follow a teacher, we had to do it by ourselves. Every group got a map of the metro system, a street map and a paper with assignments to show us the highlights of Berlin. We had to do every assignment, and when you’re finished with the paper, a pair of teachers gave you the next one. It was really fun, because you saw a lot of things of Berlin, but you had to walk A LOT, which is why a had a huge blister on my foot.

Some photo's with my friends:

Some of the stores in Berlin have weird names. This is an eatery:

In Berlin you find all sorts of bear statues, so we had to take a picture with one:


At night, the plan was to go to the ‘Fernsehen Tor’ (the highest TV tower in Berlin and maybe even Europe), but the blister on my foot made me walk limb, which caused my knee to block (because I have awful knees). I decided it was better to rest (I only slept 3 minutes the previous night), so I stayed at the hostel and made some drawings:

Day 3 (March 12):

My outfit

In the morning we went to a former concentration camp, but that’s not something I want to talk about on a blog.

After the lunch, we had our first choice activity. You had to choose two (one for Wednesday and one for Thursday) and you could choose the Olympic Station, a tour in East-Berlin, a cycling trip in Berlin, a streetart tour followed by a workshop, and the Hamburger-Bahnhof-Museum. For this day I picked Streetart, because I really like streetart and making stuff. First we got a tour from a street artist, who showed us multiple forms of streetart.

Just graffiti sprayed on a wall:

The black, white and grey parts are made with permanent paint, the colors are washable. So when it rains, the girl fades into the wall:

You see a lot of these small cute things, like this ghost sticker:

I don’t know if I photographed this because of the girls in the background or the cartoon upfront, but they both look cool:

You also have a lot of these small stickers, which you can make at home and then put on things outside. Some people collect them, especially the ones made by big artists:

Then we went to the gallery and we made our own “streetart” (only not on the street). All kinds of high-contrasted pictures were printed, and we had to cut out the black parts to make a stencil. I chose Merlyn Monroe, because I wanted to make something difficult and a human, so it was the best option. I actually wanted to draw something myself, but then I wouldn’t have enough time. 

The stencil:

Next you had to make a background. I wanted to keep mine simple, so I sprayed it blue and then added green in two corners.

The background:

If your background was dry, you had to lay your stencil on it and spray it with a different color.

The end result:

Later, when others weren’t finished, I sprayed my glove blue and my friend sprayed hers black and then we high-fived, so you have a cool effect on the glove.

My glove:

At night, we went to the Blue Man Group, a music show. It was really amazing to watch and listen to, and there was a lot of humor in the show.

*you weren't allowed to take pictures during the show, so this was the ticket*

It was colder, so I had to wear something warmer:

Day 4 (March 13):

My outfit, it was super warm that day

In the morning we had our second choice activity. I chose the Hamburger-Bahnhof-Museum. It was very interesting, but it wasn’t really my style (I like realism over abstract). Here are some of the artworks:

We had a group photo at 2:00 PM, and after that, we were free to do whatever we wanted until 10:00 PM. As a girl, you go shopping off course. We went to the Primark and various other clothing stores, but I couldn’t find anything, so I didn’t buy clothes. I did buy two iPhone cases by H&M and some jewelry at Claire’s.

We left Berlin at 10:30 PM and arrived at school at 6:30 AM and I didn’t sleep at night in the bus, but I probably was the only one, so it was kind of boring. I wanted to sleep, but I just can’t sleep in a bus.

This was my Schoolcamp in Berlin, it was amazing.

I hope you like it :D

Bye xxx

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