dinsdag 24 december 2013

get your freak on TAG

Heyy, I've got a new TAG post. I saw it somewhere on youtube a while ago, and I never got the chance to post it, so I'll post it now :)

1- Your special nickname?
My name is Romy, so people call me ‘Room’. In 7th grade, we all had nicknames, and since I liked ice cream, my nickname became ‘roomijsje’ (which is Dutch for ice cream). Our mathematics teacher didn’t know our names yet, so we had to make nameplates. For fun, I wrote down ‘roomijsje’. So my teacher called me ‘roomijsje’ in class. After that year, we dropped the nicknames, because someone we don’t like, started to use them too.

2- A weird habit?
I have a lot of weird habits. I can’t sleep without a specific music. I still watch cartoons. I can remember every detail of criminal minds, but I forget to do my hair in a ponytail for swimming. If I wear a blazer or cardigan, it has to be closed. Before I dress myself, I always ask what’s the weather is going to be. If I think I recognize an actor/actress, I have to look him/her up online to see if I am right. I freak out when something on my computer doesn’t work, even though it is fixed three seconds later. I am weird.

3- Weird phobias?
I am afraid of spider, thunderstorm, new people, new situations, that people are going to leave me and I am afraid of making a wrong choice.

4- A song that you love to sing along with very hard?
A lot of songs. Country rock, R&B, pop, dance. I like to sing, but I am not very good at it. When I am walking with the dog, I sing. When I’m showering, I sing. When I’m riding to school at my bike, I sing. When I am with my best friend, we sing together. When I’m in a car with my parents and my sister, my sister and I sing, but very soft. But I sing a lot, as you can see.

5- Biggest annoyance?
If I can’t hear someone when they talk. My sister talks very fast, but also not very loud, so when she wants to explain something, I can’t understand her. Also when I call someone, I can’t hear them well. It also annoys me when they don’t hear me or when they say I talk too fast. I know I talk fast, so they don’t have to tell me that a thousand times. I'm also very annoyed when people ask really dumb questions or act really dumb.

6- What do you do when you’re nervous?
I bite my lip, I move my back, lean on one leg and change it every few seconds, moving my arms, I kind of move a lot.

7- Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
In the middle. My bed is for one person, but you can turn it into a two-persons bed for sleep over’s. Than, I sleep on the right side, but that’s because it is the part I normally sleep.

8- A beauty rule you recommend to others, but don’t use yourself?
Don’t criticize yourself and be happy with how you look. It’s not really a beauty rule, it’s something I say, but I can’t say I do it myself. I’m working on it, so I hope I’ll be able to say it in the future.

9- Which way is your head faced when you are showering?
My head isn’t faced in a specific direction, because I turn around while showering. I don’t know why, but I notice that I see every corner of the shower.

10- Favorite comfort food (fast food)?
I like candy bars, chocolate, French fries, pizza

11- What’s your motto?
I don’t really have a motto…

12- What do you wear when you go to sleep?
Pajamas :)

I hope you like this TAG.

bye xxx

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