woensdag 7 augustus 2013

holiday planning: TAG wednesday 3

heyy, today is Wednesday, and that means I'm going to post a TAG. Since I just posted 'How to Tuesday' with a post on how to write a story, I thought a book TAG would match well. I know characters in books don't have pictures, but some of my favorite books are made into movies, so I'll post pictures. Here it is:

• Favorite book
The Hunger Games series

These are the English versions.

These are the Dutch versions.

• Favorite book quote
So after, when he whispers, “You love me. Real or not real?”
I tell him, “Real.”
It’s the ending from Mockingjay (the third Hunger Games book).

• Favorite writer
I don’t have a favorite writer. I like reading, but all kinds of books.

• Favorite tear breaker
Mockingjay. It’s not really a sad book, but a lot of characters die, also the favorite ones. I had to reread it several times before it got to me he was dead.

• Favorite male character
I have a few. Peeta and Finnick from the Hunger Games series. Jacob from Twilight. I have more, but I don’t remember them, because lately, I haven’t read a lot. This year, I have only read for school, and the hunger games. And the books for school were boring.




• Favorite female character
Zoey from House of Night. It’s a book series about vampires. I have began with the series two years ago, but I don’t have all the books. Only I have them in Dutch, like almost every book I read. I do read English stories online.

• Character that scared you
I don’t have one. I’m not easy scared.

• Character you hate
I can’t think of a character I hate.

• Book you love but everyone hates
I like the CSI: Miami books. Last year I found a few at the library, and I read them in a very short time. I know there are more, but the library doesn’t have them anymore. I think that’s because they weren’t very popular.

• Book you hate but everyone loves
I have never read a book I hate but everyone loves. It’s not that I never read a book that I don’t like. When I hate a book, the rest does that too. For my English lessons at school, we had to read a book from a list. A lot of us choose ‘Room’, because it looked spectacular, also the description. But at page 100, nothing had happened. It was the most boring book we have ever read.

• Favorite character duo
Katniss and Finnick in Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Their friendship is just very beautiful to read. Finnick cheers her up, gives advice, saved Peeta and her, helps her through hard times. I wish I had a male friend like that (who also looks that good).

• Which book surprised you the most
The Hunger Games series. I began to read the Hunger Games before the first movie, but I hadn’t finished it when I saw the movie. When I was packing for my vacation to Turkey, I needed some books to read. I saw catching fire and mockingjay lying on the shelves. I started to read them with the thought I have nothing else to read, but when I started , I became addicted.

• If you could read only one book forever, which would it be
The Hunger Games Mockingjay in English. I have read the series in Dutch and I can’t find them in English, but I know some English quotes and they are so awesome in English.

• Recommended book
House of Night, because it’s very good written. It has romance, action, fantasy, vampires, a bit of horror. It has everything.

The first book

• If you could marry a book character, no matter of his/her age, who would it be
PEETA MELLARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so cute. His behavior, his looks, everything!!!

• About to die, you can only read one book. Which would it be
Mockingjay. Because when I end it, the last thing I’ll read would be my favorite quote.

• Favorite genre
Romance, action, fantasy.

• Favorite book from that genre
Romance: the Hunger Games series
Action: the Hunger Games series
Fantasy: House of Night

• First book you have read
I don’t remember. Maybe Disney or Barbie.

Sorry for my ovrload on Hunger Games answers. If you decide to do this book TAG, comment the link to your blog or video so I can see it.

I hope you like it!

bye xxx

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