zondag 4 augustus 2013

holiday planning: saturday's language 2

heyy, yesterday was Saturday, but I forgot to post this, so today I'll post Saturday's and Sunday's post. For this week, the language will be French. Ath school, I have had French for four years, but since I'm switching levels, I don't have it anymore. In Holland, we have different levels in school. I switched from VWO (the highest) to HAVO (the middle), and the sector I chose didn't have an extra language, so I don't have French anymore. But I can still teach it to you, so if you're going to France, here are some useful phrases. First the English sentence, than the French translation, than the pronounciation.

1.) Hello

2.) How are you?
Ça va?
Sa va?

3.) Fine. (as answer to 'how are you?')
Ça va bien.
Sa va bi-en.

4.) Thanks

5.) Where is the swimmingpool?
Où est la piscine?
Oo è la piesien?

6.) What is your name?
Quel est votre nom?
Cel è votre nom?

7.) How old are you?
Quel âge avez-vous?
Cel aash avee-voo?

8.) Do you speak English?
Vous parlez anglais?
Voo parlee anglè?

9.) yes/no

Counting in French is not very dificult, but above 70, it gets harder.

1 un an
2 deux duh
3 trois trwa
4 quatre catru
5 cinq sink
6 six sies
7 sept set
8 huit wiet
9 neuf nuf
10 dix dies
11 onze onzu
12 douze doozu
13 treize traezu
14 quatorze catorzu
15 quinze cenzu
16 seize sezu
17 dix-sept dies-set
18 dix-huit dies-wiet
19 dix-neuf dies-nuf
20 vingt veh
30 trente trantu
40 quarante carantu
50 cinquante sinkantu
60 soixante swasantu
70 soixante-dix swasantu-dies
80 quatre-vingt catru-veh
90 quatre-vingt-dix catru-veh-dies
100 cent sah

When you want to say 21, it is vingt-et-un (twenty and one)
When you want to say 22, it is vingt-deux (twenty two)
When you want to say 71, you say soixante-onze (sixty eleven), instead of soixante-dix-un
When you want to say 300, you say trois-cent (three hundred)

It was kind of hard for me to do the pronounciation, because in the Netherlands, we write some sounds different, so I hope it is useful. You can also type the words into google translate and listen to the pronounciation.

I hope you like it

bye xxx

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