maandag 5 augustus 2013

200st POST!!!

heyy, this is my 200st post on this blog, so today I wanted to do a special post. I write a lot about fashion, style, DIY's, but not much about myself. And online, I saw a few videos with 50 random facts about me, so I thought that is a good way for my readers to get to know me more. I will post as many pictures as I can (because I like to post pictures).

1. My name is Romy and I am 16 years old

2. My birthday is April 17th, that’s why the name of my blog is Fashionistar17

3. I have a 13 year old sister

This is a photo of my sister and I on vacation a few year back.

4. I can’t sleep when it isn’t dark yet

5. When I can’t sleep, I write or play a game on my iPod (most of the time ‘Whirly Word’, ‘Coin Dozer: world tour’ or ‘Cookie Dozer’)

6. Every time the clock is at 11:11, 22:22, 23:23 (double numbers), I do a wish

7. I have four cats and one dog: Sam, Moos, Misty, Buddha and Breezer






8. My cat Moos has had kittens three times. So we had 11 kittens in total, but we sold them (except for Buddha)
The first time, she had four kittens:

Ukkie, the smallest. Now she is called 'Jane' and she lives with my aunt.

Tiger. We sold him, but now we have him back. He is Breezer.

Zorro, because when he was born, he has a white mask around him eyes. Now his name is 'Teun' and he is bought by our neighbors.

Sokje, because it looks like he wears white socks. Now his name is 'Easy' and he lives quite far away.

The second time, she had three kittens:

Ziva. She now lives with friends of us and is called 'Snoes'.

Diva. She lived with people in our village as 'Jillz', but some car rode over her and now she is gone...

This is Buddha, and we kept him.

The third time she had five kittens, but one was born dead, so I show you the kittens that live:

Jacob, he is so cute. He now lives as 'Sherrif'.

Mr. Piggy. We thought it was a girl, so we called it miss Piggy, but then we discovered he was a boy. He now lives with his sister at the same house and he is called Dobby or Winky (the owner sent us an e-mail with pictures of how they look now and their names, but I don't know who is Dobby and who is Winky).

Ukkie 2 (we couldn't think of another name). She now lives with mr. Piggy at the same house.

Leah (we needed two names, one for a male and one for a female, so a friend at school came up with Jacob and Leah, two werewolfs from Twilight). Leah soon became Luna, because a friend/co-worker of my mom wanted to adopt her and already thought of the name.

9. When I wake up in the weekends or holiday, the first thing I do is checking my twitter

10. I would love to meet Matthew Gray Gubler or Josh Hutcherson, but I think that if I meet them, I can’t say anything

11. Three months ago, I discovered that I liked Moreid fanfictions, so for one week, I read a lot of fanfics, like 120 stories. I wanted to read more, but I couldn’t find any. Then I started reading Spencer Reid fanfics, then I began to write them myself

12. I want to live in America, because criminal minds comes on TV earlier than in the Netherlands

13. I talk very fast

14. I like learning and remembering things. And than amaze people with it. Like remembering the name of the phobia for long words: Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. I can say that so fast and still correct

15. I can remember large amounts of text, which is useful for our acting lessons at school. Sometimes I like acting, sometimes I hate it

16. I’m good at drawing, writing, mixing music, editing videos, taking pictures, editing pictures, making jewelry, picking an outfit together, and other creative things

A drawing I made

Pictures I edited

Some jewelry I made

17. I can dance an hour without taking a break, but I can’t run longer than 30 seconds

18. I am Dutch, but I can also speak English, French, German and a little Japanese (although I can’t answer Japanese questions)

19. If I have seen a criminal minds episode, I can quote it almost immediately

20. I like making pictures in front of a mirror instead of turning the camera facing me

21. In our house we have a lot of scissors, but when we need any, we can’t find them

22. I am very good at remembering dates, but very bad at remembering names

23. I had a boyfriend for 2 years and 11 months, but he broke up at 7th grade school camp

24. I can’t throw away things easy

25. If I get an idea, I have to write it somewhere because I’m afraid I’ll forget it

26. I hope I can finish my story Safe, because I have never finished a story in my life

27. I have 871 songs on my laptop, 111 are made myself

28. I have 5619 photos and pictures on my laptop

29. I collect pictures of all kinds of things: actors, flowers, cake, fashion, nailart, cute Japanese characters, danbo…

Actors <3
Pictures of flowers I made myself




cute (Japanese) characters


30. I use PowerPoint for almost everything: I make collages of pictures, I collect pictures of jewelry for inspiration, I make lyrics videos, I make lists, I used to make calendars, birthday invitations, comics, and even movies. I can make everything with PowerPoint


Jewelry inspiration



31. I have twitter, facebook, three blogs, one youtube account, Wattpad, quizlet, polyvore, two g-mails, pintrest, we heart it, and still I have time for school and friends

32. I search everything online. If I think I recognize an actor/actress, I search the episode online to check if I’m right. I check the criminal minds Wikipedia page to check if they know something new about season 9. If I don’t know the meaning of something, I search it.

33. I like designing clothes

34. I like writing, also notes and summaries for school

35. My best subjects at school are mathematics, physics, chemistry, Dutch and English

36. When I like something, it sometimes gets obsessive. I have that with Criminal Minds and the Hunger Games. I panic when I miss a Criminal Minds episode, I always check at front where the episode is about on Wikipedia, I freak out when my dad goes to another channel during the breaks, because I’m afraid to miss the beginning. The first thing I do in the morning is check all the 7 Hunger Games accounts I follow.

37. I make lists for everything: what I have to buy, what to do in the holiday, ideas for stories, titles for stories, music I want to download, fanvideos I want to make…

38. I have designed a tattoo for a friend of my mother

39. I used to write songs

40. I can play a few songs on the piano app on my iPod. I can’t play piano on a real piano, because my hand is too small

41. I have been on vacation to Spain and Indonesia a few times, because my grandma used to live there

42. I like taking pictures of everything

43. I like making screenshots. I make screenshots when one of my videos has reached a specific number of views, when this blog has a specific number of page views or when my story has reached a specific number of reads

Screenshots while watching Twilight and New Moon

Screenshots of views from my videos, blog and story

44. I like photo shoots

Photoshoot with kittens

Photoshoot at a friends house in 4th grade

Christmas party photoshoot 7th grade

Photoshoot at a boat at vacation

Photoshoot at another vacation

45. I love my hair

46. At the school Christmas party in 7th grade, we took pictures with all the teachers. First it was just me, two of my friends and a teacher, but later some boys joined us

47. I like filming things, but I don’t like hearing my voice

48. I am not patient

49. I make mash-ups for one year now

50. I like to speed things up. I speed up a lot of songs, also my remixes. Also I like to speed up clips of criminal minds episodes, because than they have chipmunk voices

I hope you like it :D

bye xxx

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