donderdag 11 juli 2013

the child in me 10 question tag

heyy, today I was surfing on youtube and found a lot of nice videos. I found one where someone did a 10 question tag about her childhood. I wrote down the questions and answered them myself. I hope you like it and maybe some of you will do it too. If you do this tag, post the link in the comments so I can read about others. I will post pictures. Here it goes:

1.) As a kid, what was your dream job?
In the beginning of elementary school, I always told people I wanted to become an artist.
Later in elementary school, I wanted to become a drawer. I wanted to illustrate books, sketch people, make comics (my best friend then wanted to become a writer, so we made a deal that I would illustrate her books and she would write for the comics). I have always loved to draw, and I still do. Now I draw real people, and my own styled kawaii/chibi/magna kind of drawings. Only I think that I can’t earn money with it. Not that I don’t think I’m bad at drawing, but because of the economics at this time. I don’t know what I want to do later, maybe something with drawing or something else creative, but I also like to be a criminologist or working in a (forensic) lab. But in my country (the Netherlands) we don’t have much criminologist or forensic labs. But I still have two years in high school to chose.

real people

my own styled kawaii/chibi/manga kind of drawing

2.) How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real and how did you find it out?
In the Netherlands, we don’t really believe in Santa. We have another kind of celebration: Sinterklaas. He lives in Spain, but somewhere in half November, he comes to the Netherlands and when you put your shoe at the chimney or fireplace (or your door if you don’t have a chimney or fireplace) and when you wake up, there’s a small present. On December 5th, he celebrates his birthday and gives all the children lots of presents. But I will answer this question for Sinterklaas instead of Santa. I don’t know how old I was exactly, maybe 9 or 10, but I know that my parents told me he wasn’t real. I told them I already had my suspicious. But I had to pretend I still believed in it, because I have a younger sister. But my parents told her when she was 9, and then we only celebrated for two years, because they didn’t want to buy so many presents when we don’t even believed it anymore. Now we just sometimes do one present which is for our whole family, like two or three years ago, we got a kinect.

This is how Sinterklaas looks like

3.) What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
In the Netherlands, we don’t really celebrate Halloween, it’s more an American holiday. Some of us do, because one time I was with a friend who lives in another city, and they did celebrate it (for the kids in the neighborhood), but I knew it too late so I was one of the few who wasn’t dressed in a costume. But in the Netherlands, we have another holiday. It doesn’t have an English word, and it is celebrated different in some parts of our country, but at my elementary school, there was a day somewhere in February, when you go to school in a costume and than you play all different kind of games. I don’t remember all the costumes I wore, but I was a cheerleader two times, one time I went to school in pajamas, I was a Hawaiian beach girl one time, and the other two times I don’t remember. That were probably the first and last year of elementary school, because the first time was too long ago and the last time I don’t know IF I wore a costume, because I think none of the girls wore a costume (or it was something like a hat and fingerless gloves) and all the boys were dresses as ghosts. My favorite costume would be the cheerleader, because I wore the same costume two years, but there were two years between them and I still fitted in the costume.

4.) What were your favorite cartoons/shows as a kid?
When I was really really young (like 4 years), I loved sesame street. When I was a bit older (like 8 years), I watched totally spies and Pucca and Ernst, Bobby and the rest and Kim possible. Later (like 11 years), I watched a lot of Nickelodeon cartoons and shows (I still do actually, because I’m sixteen, still live with my parents (duh…) and have a 13 year old sister who owns the remote control), I liked to watch SpongeBob (I still do), Winx Club and Anubis.

This are the sesame street characters from Holland


The Anubis cast

5.) Was there a band or musician that you were completely obsessed with growing up?
Yes there was. In the Netherlands and Belgium, we have a popular girl group K3, which were 3 girls/woman (they are older than 25, at least) with names beginning with the K (Karen, Kristel and Kathleen). It still exists, but Kathleen had left the group and Josje replaced her. But when that happened, I was already too old for them. My sister and I also liked M-kids. This was also a girl group, but it were teens who sang. They also sang English, while K3 sings Dutch. But this was till I was 10. Since than, I haven’t been completely obsessed with one singer or band or style. I like to listen to different styles of music.



6.) Do you still watch cartoons?
Yes I do. I watch SpongeBob, Phineas and Ferb and Fairly Odd Parents.


7.) What is the one habit from childhood that is stuck with you till this day?
I don’t think I can answer this question, because I’m too young and I’m still sort of in my childhood, and I don’t think I have a habit from my early childhood which is stuck with me or what I still do.

8.) Do you have jam sessions in your car and go wild dancing?
Half. I do have jam sessions (sort of, but I only sing on slow songs and I don’t sing very loud), but I don’t go wild dancing. I love dancing, but I only dance on hip-hop/street dance choreographies. Last Saturday I had a dance performance with my dance group. It was a lot of fun. On vacation we had short simple dance choreographies, which were also fun to do. But I don’t do impulsive/freestyle dancing, because I don’t know what to do. I can’t improvise.

9.) You’re at a hotel. Do you steal the shampoos and conditioners from your room?
I don’t know, because I usually don’t go to hotels. On vacation we usually stay in the Netherlands. But on May 28, we went to a hotel in Turkey. But they didn’t have any shampoos or conditioners. I think I won’t do it, because I’m a good girl. I don’t steal things, even if they are shampoos or conditioners from hotels.

10.) Looking back what would be one advice you would give your younger self?
Even though I’m only sixteen, I would say to myself to enjoy my time at school more, and have more fun with friends instead of only making homework and learning for tests.(I don’t exactly know how the American school system works, because I live in the Netherlands. I will try to say it like how it goes in my country and how I think it is in America). In 7th grade (America) or the first class (Holland) I got excellent grades. My average grades were B (American) or 8,5 (Holland) and I had more than 7 times an A+ (American) or a 10 (Holland). This may not look very good, but it was more than the rest of my class. But I worked harder than the rest. I didn’t hang out much with friends, and I didn’t have fun in class, while my friends did. All I was doing was paying attention to the teacher. I was/am a big nerd. In the 8th grade or second class my average grades were lower, but not bad. I still worked harder than most, but my grades were more average. In the 9th grade (sorry for this long story) or third class, my grades were not as average as in the year before. I had much A+’s or 10’s, but also much F’s or <5,5. It was harder, and I had a lot of stress. I went to the 10th grade or fourth class, and then it went wrong. In December they (school) decided I couldn’t pass this year, and I only had to take 5 subjects. I also didn’t have to make homework or learn for tests, so since December I had fun at school. I joked with friends, but I still didn’t hang out with friends much, because school finished earlier for me. But time at school was fun. I wished I did that earlier, than I would have had more fun memories from school. Sorry for my long story, but that would be my advice to my younger me.

I hop you like it, and that some of you do the tag too.
bye xxx

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