donderdag 27 juni 2013

note + this or that beauty tag

heyy, sorry sorry sorry that it took me so long to post another thing on this blog. I don't know why I didn't post since May 11, because I don't have homework or tests to make for school, but I started taking more lessons at school after May 12, because I was bored at home. I had full schooldays till 3 o'clock, so when I got home, I was a bit tired. Before the schoolbreak we had, I went to school for just a few hours. I also went on vacation May 28, so then I couldn't post, because in our hotel room in Turkey, we didn't have wi-fi. When I got back, it was June 4. And why I didn't post since then? I went to school again. But last week I didn't had school, so I don't have a reason for not posting then. Well, I did other things, like writing stories, playing games online, practicing for my dancing show (we are peforming July 6), shopping (I will post what I bought tomorrow) and I had a wedding. But now, I have another post for you and more time for posting in the future, because I unofficially have Summer break!!! But now my actual post:

This morning I was watching videos on youtube and I saw a beauty tag video. I want to make videos too, but I'm Dutch and I don't like my voice on videos or recorded. Also, when I want to talk English, it won't come out of my mouth. It's very weird, because I can hear/understand it perfectly, I can read it very fast and I can write it, and when I sing you can understand what I say, but when I talk, it won't happen :(

This is the video:
It's by SarahLynnFashion. She has all kinds of fashion videos, like hauls, OOTD, ect.
She also has an amazing craft account, it's called SoCraftastic.

But the beauty tag. Since I can't talk English, I thought I write the beauty tags I want to do. So this beauty tag you see two things beauty related, and I have to chose one and give an explaination. Some of the choices I left out, because I can't answer them (like chose between two brands of clothes, but we in Holland don't have those brands). If you have a question for me, leave it as a comment.

So I will begin:
First make-up related:
- blush or bronzer: I don't wear a lot of make-up, and I don't have a bronzer (I know I should be ashamed) so I go with blush.
- lip gloss or lipstick: definitely lip gloss, I think that for my age (16 years) lip gloss is more appropriate, and I like how it shines and I don't have many lipsticks (two I think) but I do have a lot of lip glosses, so yeah...
- eye liner or mascara: I go with mascara sice I don't use eye lner (in Holland eye liner is liquid, and I use an eye pencil)
- foundation or concealer: foundation, because I normally don't have much to conceal (if that is a real sentence) and foundation just makes my skin looks more natural.
- neutral or color eye shadow: neutral I guess (if black is neutral, because it isn't a color). I dn't wear eye shadow often, only for special occasions and than I wear black eye shadow with grey and white for smoky eyes.
brushes or sponges: brushes,because I don't have sponges.

This were all the make-up related things, now on to nails:
- long or short: LONG!!! I like my nails longer, because it looks prettier (unless they are too long). Only my nails tend to break when they are a good size (okay, only one nail breaks and than I have to cut all the other nails to make it look normal and than start over again)
- acrylic or natural: natural, because I have never used fake/acrylic nails. My mom did, and she didn't like it. I also think it isn't very useful because I craft a lot and that won't go well if my nails are too long.
- bright or dark: I like bright colors, like neon pink and apple green (I also think they match well together). I don't use much dark nail polish, but when I do, it is for nail art and not for polishing.
- flower or no flower: I don't exactly know what they meant with this, but I think I go for no flower, because I never had flowers on my nails.

Now I am done with the nails, so I choose for fashion next:
- jeans or sweat pants: this one is hard for me, because I like how jeans look, and I wear jeans more often because I don't like being seen in sweat pants, but I do wear them to my dancing classes and physio (although I sometimes jeans since I go immediatly after school) and I also wear them when I have nothing to do and nowhere to go. So I think I go for jeans.
- long sleeves or short: I like short sleeves, even in the winters in Holland (which are very cold), because you can combine them more. In the winter I wear t-shirts with jeans and jackets, blazers, cardigans, ect. In the summer I wear t-shirts or tanktops wih shorts (when the weather is letting me, beause in Holland, even the summers are cold and it rains most of the time).
- dresses or skirts: I like dresses more than skirts, and I don't know why. The skirts I have are pretty bad, and I don't see many nice skirts that will look good on my in the shops. I also don't have many dresses, but I found one at Primark (the dark blue with white leopard print I wore in the birthday post April 20/21) and now I found the same type of dress in other patterns, so now I also have a black plain dress and a baby blue with flowers, I will sow them in another post.
- stripes or plaid: this is a hard question. I don't like stripes, but I also don't like plaid. I like other types of prints, like leopard or zebra. I also don't have clothes with stripes or plaid, I think.
- flip flops or sandals: flip flps all the way! I wear them all summer, so yeah...
- scarves or hats: uhmmm... I think I will have to go with scarves, because I don't wear hats. I like hats and I have an awesome leopard printed hat, but I don't know when to wear it. I have multiple scarves that I do wear, but I don't like it very mch.
- studs or dangly earrings: studs, because I have awesome studs, and because dangly earringstend to mix with my hair and than I can't get them out. But I don't wear earrings very often, because I have long hair which I don't like in a ponytail or braid, so my hair is loose, and it covers my ears. I don't like ponytails, so I don't wear them, even when I'm dancing or swimming. I only wear it at my gym classes from school (but only because it is a rule). But back to earrings I love studs, but I don't wear them often.
- necklaces or bracelets: I make a lot of bracelets, but I like necklaces more. It's not that I don't like bracelets, it's that I don't like wearing them, because they irritate me. When I'm writing, they make clinging noises at the table. Necklaces don't make noises, unless they are too long. I have a lot of necklaces, but I don't wear them very often. Most of the time, I forget to put on jewelry (shame on me...)
- heels or flats: I don't know... I like heels, because they look so good and make you longer and are awesome. But lats walk easier, and I have more of them. I only have one pair of heels :(
- cowboy boots or riding boots: I think I can't answer this, because I don't have any boots. In the winter I walk on sneakers, in spring I walk on thinner sneakers, in summer I walk on flip flops and in autumn I walk on one of th sneakers mentioned in winter and spring.
- jacket or hoodie: I sy jacket, because I only have one hoodie and I like it when you can close and open something you wear over your shirt.

Ow gosh it's so long... Now let's start with hair:
- curly or straigt: my hair is in the middle between curly ad straight, bu sometimes I curl my hair and I think it looks pretty. I never straighten my hai. So I go for curly.
- bun or ponytail: I have to go for ponytail. As you could read before, I don't like ponytails, but I dislike buns even more. It can lok good on other people, but for myself I don't like it.
- bobby pins or butterfly clip: I think butterly clips (but without the butterfly, if yo know what I mean). In Holland we have a sort of butterfly clips, but they are just brown or black without the butterfly. Besides, I have thick hair and much hair, so bobby pins slide out of my hair. Butterfly clips stay longer, but not long enough for a school day, sadly.
- long or short: LONG!!! I have long hair, and I like it. I will never cut it sort. NEVER! It's not that I don't like people with short hair or short haircuts, but I LOVE my long hair, and I will never change it (sorry for this).
- light or dark: this is hard, because my hair is in the middle of light and dark brown. In the summer it gets ligher, and I like it, but on some photos it looks darker than it is, and I like that too. I can't decide.
- up or down: down, because than people see my long hair. I'm proud of my hair. That's all I say, otherwise we get the same story as with long or short.

Now done with the beauty stuff and just some random stuff:
- rain or shine: most people will say shine, but I think I go with rain, because than I can stay inside and craft or blog or watch movies, ect. Although I don't like it when I have to go to school.
- summer or winter: summer, because in the winter it snows, and we have to go to school, so I have to cycle to school and I am afraid I will fall.
- spring or autumn: spring,because it begins with more sunshine, the snow disappears, my birthday :)
- chocolate or vanilla: hard... I like vanilla ice cream, but I also like brownies, chocolate cookies, cake, cream, white chocolate bars, ect. Chocolate wins!

Now I'm finished. Sorry if it was too long.
I hope you like it and if you want to do a this or that beauty tag too, jus go ahead, but mention my blog, okay?

bye xxx

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